Primordia: Ton Ruasonid (GAUNTLET)
/!\ Performance and Web Builds /!\
When seeing a type of particle for the first time, there might be a small hitch to load the shader for it, hopefully it shouldn't affect the experience of playing the game.
The game pre-renders once of each type of material in the title screen, so that should mitigate (if not completely eliminate) the issue, however this can be highly browser dependent, hard to predict how it's going to behave.
All ""art"" is done using just shaders
## Controls
- wasd/dpad: move
- shift/q/L1: pull mode
- alt/e/L2: push mode
- space/x/xboxA/nintendoB: absorb
- ESC: back to main menu
### Debug Controls (use at your own risk, might make the game crash, intended for developing/troubleshooting)
- u: debug UI
full design doc here:
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Really cool concept, shaders give everything a universy feel, I love that