Priomordia: Ton Ruasonid 2 - Ton Teltnuag
## Controls
- wasd/dpad/arrow-keys: move
- shift/q/1/L1: pull mode
- alt/e/2/L2: push mode
- space/x/xboxA/nintendoB: absorb
- ESC: back to main menu
### Debug Controls
Use at your own risk, might make the game crash, intended for developing/troubleshooting. Toggling the debug panel will automatically disqualify the runs from leaderboards (even locally it won't be counted).
- u: debug UI
You are a primordial particle navigating the formation of complex matter in the Universe.
Assimilate particles, planets, and galaxies, to become the new primordial origin of the universe.
Or cause the extinction of the dinosaurs along the way.
Gauntlet Version: https://zafteer.itch.io/fox-hollow-jam-2-gauntlet
Design Doc (outdated since the gauntlet, make sure to also check the changelog below): https://gist.github.com/zaftnotameni/0cafd986246295a0ce3c5dcfa4f8f4eb
Changelog (comparing to the gauntlet version): https://gist.github.com/zaftnotameni/f991d213fc2502cae73cc09580db6528
/!\ Performance and Web Builds /!\
When seeing a type of particle for the first time, there might be a small hitch to load the shader for it, hopefully it shouldn't affect the experience of playing the game.
The game pre-renders once of each type of material in the title screen, so that should mitigate (if not completely eliminate) the issue, however this can be highly browser dependent, hard to predict how it's going to behave.
All ""art"" is done using just shaders
Prior Art and external Resources:
I stuck pretty much to the spirit of the gauntlet for the extended version of the Jam as well. With only 2 exceptions:
- Using a little collection of convenience scripts to help do repetitive things like: set font size, manipulate node, place a control node in specific position, groups, make node A follow the position of node B, etc. Those were not written during the jam but are all made by myself in previous jams and just accumulated over time.
- Music... I can't do music even if my life depends on it... so:
- In game: Kevin Mcleod - Dark Fog https://incompetech.com/ - License CC4.0 (Attribution)
- Title: Kevin Mcleod - Shores of Avalon https://incompetech.com/ - License CC4.0 (Attribution)
SPOILERS - How to achieve the 3 different endings (that are on the leaderboard)
- death: reach a mass of 0 or lower
- singularity: keep absorbing mass until you get past the galaxy stage
- extinction: get the universe evolved to a point where dinosaurs can exist (i.e.: there are planets AND stars, dinosaurs need sunlight!) and "absorb" a planetoid while on the rock stage of evolution for your particle
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Love the polish! So many good things coming to this version, would have been sick to see black holes be a hazard to avoid!